
lite2Most schools neglect to invest in their 任务 statement. Some have one that was written decades ago and never revisited. Others have a strong 任务 but lack buy-in from the school community. Regardless, it’s easy for these statements to get pushed to the side and forgotten. 有了课程计划, 活动, 测试, and other school functions, teachers and 管理员 are busy managing the day-to-day, leaving little time to focus on something as “abstract” as a 任务 statement.

In order to leverage the power of a strong 任务 statement, schools have to realize the value one can add. This involves changing the way we think about what purpose it serves — in our learning community and beyond.

Here are some questions every school should consider:

Do you have a 任务 statement?
We begin with a very basic question: Does your 任务 statement even exist? If not, you’re not alone, and starting with a clean slate may even be an advantage as you craft one.

Does it adequately reflect your school’s brand?
Consider a prospective family in for a campus tour. Would the things you tell them sound similar to your 任务 statement? If not, consider rewriting it in a way that gets people excited to be a part of what you’re doing.

Do you use it in decision making?
A 任务 statement is a reference point for the decision makers in your school. 董事会成员, 管理员, and other key staff should be able to use the 任务 as a framework for staying focused and strategic.

Do your people know your 任务?
Buy-in from teachers, parents, students, and supporters is incredibly important. If your people don’t know your 任务 (or don’t care about it), they cannot help serve as ambassadors of your brand in the community.


Feeling like your 任务 statement needs some work, but not sure how to get started? It’s easier than you think. Consider these tips for crafting a new statement that reflects the true heart of your school.

1. Simply state why you exist.
A 任务 statement starts with clearly defining your core purpose. What do you do, who do you do it for, and why?

2. Define the specific ways your school impacts lives.
确定, every school’s purpose is to provide a strong education, but how do you go beyond that to enrich the lives of those you serve?

3. Explain how you are different from others in your category.
Your 任务 is a resource for people to understand what you provide that they cannot get anywhere else. What are those differentiators?

4. 写在纸上!
It’s time to translate these things into a strong 任务 statement that will unite your school and draw in new families. Use words that excite, inspire, and empower. Focus on your unique passions and values. Keep it short and sweet, and create a plan for introducing it to your community of stakeholders. After that, don’t just stick it in a drawer and walk away. Post it in prominent places throughout your school (lobbies, corridors, classrooms, etc.) and talk about it often.

Learn More 新葡京app Our 任务
At Eastern Christian School, our 任务 is often the reason families want to enroll their children. If you’d like to learn more about the 任务, or see it in action, we invite you to 参观校园.